Monday, January 17, 2011

Three for One!

This is going to be short and sweet since there are three posts...but there was a whole lot of shaming going on last night.

        1. Chris- Shamed for breaking the houses only wooden spoon while attacking Norm with it.

     2. Norm- Shamed for getting the houses only wooden spoon broken on him and then refusing the box.

       3. Joe- Shamed for farting in Colin's cowboy hat and then attacking Norm with it without realizing the  freshly brewed cup of hot tea in Norm's hand. It ended poorly. 




Friday, January 14, 2011

Our First "Honorary" Shame'ee...

Long story short: Ryan Welsh, an ex-134 member came back to the Wilderness yesterday to reclaim the bottle opener that he mounted in the kitchen a number of years ago.  The shameful part you ask? He has nowhere to mount it in his new apartment and lets face it... that's just shamefully selfish.

Ryan Patrick Welsh. NASCAR fan. Browns fan. Shameful.